A Library of Max/MSP Patches for Learning Music Theory

Semita is a Latin word meaning "a narrow way", "a footpath", or a lane. It is a name I gave to a library of Max/MSP patches that can be used for live, interactive teaching of music theory concepts.

You can download all of these patches for free. Originally I hosted the patches on this server but in late 2024 I moved everything over to GitHub. You'll need Max/MSP on your computer along with the Bach/Cage libraries.

Semita came about simply as a way for me to find new ways to demonstrate concepts and involve students in learning about music theory. Perhaps you might also find these patches useful, either for learning or for teaching. Please use them any way you like, according to the GNUv3 license.

Here's a handout I created for a talk about Semita I gave at the Pedagogy into Practice conference, in East Lansing, MI in June 2022.

Copyright © 2022-2025 Paul V. Miller